
Different companies have different specialties in their selected field. Over the years we have tied up a selection proficient suppliers of precision engineered components for our business. Thus, we have good opportunities to offer preferential production of the most diverse articles in the most diverse materials.

Our suppliers offer a wide range of machines with the latest technology, newest CAD CAM technology and great flexibility in manufacturing, which allows us to manufacture single prototypes or mass production. Most of our suppliers are certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 9100 or equivalent, and more are being added continuously. Dimensions we offer is from bar stock of 0.1 mm and substance up to 200 mm. We can handle all types of materials as Metallic and non-metallic, such as light metals, cutting steel, low and high alloy steels, stainless and acid resistant steel, other heavy metals, titanium, plastics, ceramics etc. We offer every existing heat- and surface treatments there is to be found. We can supply fully assembled units or specific parts and meantime answer the procurement and control details of mounted components.

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Våra leverantörer tillverkar efter dina ritningar, inklusive svarvade och frästa komponenter, fjädrar, stansningsdelar, formsprutade komponenter i avancerad plast, sintrade delar och precisionskullager. Några av våra leverantörer erbjuder även underenheter. Tveka inte att kontakta oss via formuläret till höger, via e-post eller telefon.